With regards to the processing of your personal data by Vladimír Hauser – Lipaka.com, we hereby provide you, as the persons whose data we will process (hereinafter referred to as „data subjects“) with the information which the controller is obliged to provide to the data subject according to Article 13 et seq. Regulations EP and R (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of the individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

1. Operator and their contact details:

Business name:

Vladimir Hauser – Lipaka.com

Registered seat:

Priehradka 4341/21,

036 01 Martin

Slovenska republika


+421 902 630 089


info (at) lipaka (dot) com

2. Contact details of the responsible person:

The operator is not legally obliged to appoint a responsible person.

3. Purpose of personal data processing, legal basis of processing

a) Contact information. We collect your personal data only based on your active willful expression for our services or on your initiative to request the information about the processing of your personal data.The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the pre-contractual relations and if you become our customers, a subsequent contractual relationship that will result in the obligation to deliver you the ordered product or service and on your part an obligation to pay the agreed price for the provided product or service.

Providing the personal data is voluntary but without its provision we cannot enter into a contractual relationship and provide you with the ordered product or a service or provide information about personal information relating to you. Based on the data that we collect from you, we provide you with your ordered publications in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

The data that we collect from you when you place an order is used to process it. These data are necessary for keeping the accounting and the invoicing system with the valid legal regulations of the Slovak Republic. Your contact information is used to send you notifications relating to processing your orders, or if we want to respond to your feedback, we use your purchase information in case you decide to make a complaint.

b) Contractual relationships and fulfillment of legal obligations. Based on the data you have provided we can make the ordered products available in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. Upon entering into the contract we will process your personal data, our contractual partners‘ data – individuals or persons acting on behalf of legal entities, as this is necessary in order to enter into a contractual relationship related to our activity. Based on the mutual fulfillment of the concluded contract, the operator of the personal data information system will be subject to legal obligations related to the bookkeeping, processing the invoices, processing of payment for the delivered product or a service, implementing a possible complaint about the delivered product, delivery of the ordered product.

The following personal data will be processed: name, surname, billing address, e-mail address, delivery address, telephone number, bank account details. This personal data will be processed without your consent as processing it is vital in order to fulfill the obligations resulting from this contractual relationship and the applicable legislation. We will also process your data in the fulfillment of our legal obligations e.g. in the field of consumer protection, accounting and tax obligations, registry administration and similar. The legal basis is the fulfillment of the contract and the fulfillment of legal obligations resulting to us from under the Act on accounting, the Act on Income tax, the Act on Archives and Registries and so on.

c) Registration. Purchasing the product or a service can be completed with registration or without the registration. If you decide to register at www.lipaka.com, by creating the account you agree that your personal data will be evaluated and collected to improve our services. If you have registered, you agree that your user behaviour at www.lipaka.com will be assigned to your customer account so that we can provide you with personalised content (e.g. special promotions and information). You will protect your account by a password. By logging into your account you will get information about your orders, you can edit your personal data. The operator is not responsible for any misuse of the password. The customer can cancel their registration at any time. The registration is voluntary. For registration purposes we will process your personal data such as name, surname, e-mail address, billing address, delivery address and telephone number.

d) Marketing. When you become our customers and you give your consent, we will process your personal data for marketing purposes to support the sale of our products by sending you informative emails, newsletter, offers and similar, including the email address and cookies. Emails subscription can be easily managed or cancelled in the „My account“ section. The legal basis for sending offers will the consent of the data subject.

When you make a purchase on our website we gather information about the devices and the computers that you use to access our services, including IP addresses, browser settings, operating system information or your mobile device information, which website you access our website from, the websites you visit, and information from cookies and similar tools. We also store your reviews and your comments that you submit on our website relating to each product.

We use the information about visits and traffic on our website and the products shown for analytical purposes in order to understand better how people use our website and in order to make it more user-friendly. The data that we store are also used to improve our website as well as for marketing purposes. For example, the data from your purchase history and the products that you have purchased in our store are used in order to recommend you other products that you could be interested in and to display any content relevant for you.

When you visit our website, we save and subsequently read small files from your device such as cookies. We also use pixel tags (also known as web beacons) that are small images that have a similar function to cookies. Unlike cookies that are saved to your computer’s hard drive, pixel tags are an integral part of the websites. We will refer to all these technologies as cookies for the sake of simplicity in this document. Cookies are not only saved and stored in your device, but we also read the cookies that have been saved to your device by our website.

Some cookies are stored on your device directly by our website. These cookies help us identify you when browsing between the pages of our website and when you are returning to us for example so that your shopping cart is not deleted and so that we can remember your login from a specific device and not ask you again for your e-mail and password, or so that we can save information about which version of our website to show you if the site offers multiple variations at the given moment. If you block the cookies in your browser, our website might not function correctly and we might not be able to provide you with our products and services.

Cookies are small text files that can be sent to the Internet browser when you visit websites and stored on your device (computer or other device that has access to the internet e.g. a mobile phone or a tablet). Cookies are stored in the file folder of your browser. Cookies usually contain the name of the website that they originated from, validity and value. The next time the site is visited, the web browser reloads the cookies and sends this information back to the website that originally created the cookies. „Cookies“ files that we use do not harm your computer. Cookies are used only with your consent in order to create in the most optimal way and continuously improve our services, adapt them to your interests and needs and improve their structure and content.

Cookies that are used at www.lipaka.com can be set by the customer in their web browser. Most of the Internet browsers are set by default to automatically accept cookies. This setting can be changed by blocking cookies or by having a notification in case the cookies are supposed to be sent to your device. Instructions on how to edit cookies can be found in the Help section of each browser. If the customer uses different devices to access the websites (e.g. computer, mobile phone, tablet), we recommend you edit your personal cookies preferences on each browser on each device.

4. Recipients to whom we provide personal information

We only provide personal data of e-shop customers to those intermediaries that we have entrusted with personal data processing, carriers, couriers, providers of information systems and cloud platforms, debt collection companies and the like. These recipients include Slovenská pošta, a. s., Partizánska cesta 9, Banská Bystrica, Postcode:  975 99, company registry code: 36 631 124, Run Group, s.r.o., Fatranská cesta 1972/57A, Sučany, Postcode: 038 52, company registry code: 43 803 229, providing web hosting and Jana Dovičáková – Relax, Sv.  Cyrila a Metoda 3421/, Vrútky, postcode: 038 61, company registry code: 41 525 825, providing accounting services.

In addition we provide it to public authorities and legal entities as defined in the legislations that constitute the legal basis for the personal data processing, such as: tax authorities, state administration and public authorities for control and supervision and the like.

We do not disclose your personal data to entities in third countries or international organisations that do not provide an adequate level of your personal data protection.

5. Automated decision making and profiling

In our activities we do not support decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling, that would have legal effects that affect you or similarly affect you.

6. Period of retention of personal data

We process your personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the obligations arising from contractual relations and the resulting secondary relations as for example complaints for a period of 5 years from the conclusion of the contract or the establishment of the secondary legal relationship and fulfillment of other obligations stipulated by legal regulations forming the legal basis of processing personal data, such as regulations governing the accounting and tax agenda, registry and the like (for example tax documents require at least 10 years). In case of processing your personal data for marketing purposes, for which you have given your consent, your personal data will be processed until such consent is revoked. After the expiry of the specified period and after the end of the purpose of processing the personal data will be those personal data safely disposed of.

7. Information on the rights of the data subject

a) The right to obtain confirmation whether personal information that is related to your person is being processed and if so, you have the right to access these personal data together with the information contained in this document.

b) The right to have your incorrect personal data corrected without undue delay and to supplement your incomplete personal data.

c) The right to have your personal data deleted (forgotten) if it is no longer needed for the purposes which it was collected for or otherwise processed and the storage period has expired.

d) The right to restrict the processing of your personal data if:

  • you challenge the accuracy of your personal information during the verification period,
  • the processing is illegal and you object to the deletion of the personal data and request the restriction of their use instead,
  • we no longer need your personal data for processing, but you need it to prove, assert or defend your claims,

e) The right to obtain personal data that relate to you and which you have provided to us, as well as the right to transfer the data to another controller if processing is carried out by automated means on the basis of contract or consent and if technically possible.

f) The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data by us that relates to us is contrary to data protection law. The supervisory authority is Office for Personal Data Protection, Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27, phone number: +421232313214, e-mail: statny.dozor@pdp.gov.sk, https://dataprotection.gov.sk.

You may exercise your rights in person by sending a written request by post or electronically to our contact details above. We will respond to your personal data processing request within one month of receiving it without undue delay. In special cases the time limit may be extended by further two months. We will notify you of the reasons for the extension within one month of receiving your request. When processing your request we are required to verify your identity. We will inform you of your identity verification process in response to your request. Information shall be provided free of charge. Should your requests be repeated we may charge an appropriate administrative fee to process them.